maintenance & operations

comprehensive FACILITies MANAGEMENT programs exclusively for the education sector

Top-tier operations and maintenance programs for educational facilities

From design, scope, and schedule development to final, successful completion

Carefully designed programs to manage long-term costs and unexpected downtime

Planned, emergency, or responsive maintenance to keep your facilities in top shape

Our approach

It is widely recognized that operations and maintenance represent the greatest exposure in owning and operating a portfolio of educational facilities.

A facilities management program should be based on information, experience, and expertise, taking a comprehensive approach that anticipates maintenance needs in the short and long term.

During site visits, our subject matter experts will tour campus buildings, spaces, and systems. We’ll also solicit input directly from staff, faculty, and other stakeholders in order to construct a total, comprehensive solution.

Our comprehensive facilities operations and maintenance services help keep your learning environment running smoothly.

our areas of expertise

  • Facilities management
  • Preventive and corrective maintenance
  • Project / vendor contract management and peer review
  • Coordination, supervision, and inspection of PM work
  • Emergency preparedness planning
  • Coordination of trade personnel such as electricians, HVAC technicians, plumbers, carpenters, and painters
  • Skill-based training for technical services
  • Work order management
  • Purchase order and inventory management
  • Capital planning
  • Energy management

Project management

HES Facilities Management has the resources and experience to provide project management services tailored to your facilities, no matter the scope, size or complexity.

Our managers and subject matter experts guide projects from design, scope, and schedule development to final, successful completion.

  • Routine onsite inspections
  • Project tasks are planned and coordinated correctly
  • Regular project schedule meetings, to ensure on-time delivery
  • Project documents and shop drawings are reviewed for accuracy, allowing for timely modifications as needed
  • Commissioning and witness testing are properly scheduled and conducted
  • Risk management plan is reviewed and updated regularly
  • Project costs are tracked and controlled

Preventive maintenance

Our preventive maintenance programs are carefully designed to manage long-term costs. Through data-driven decisions, we schedule routine maintenance for your equipment, helping to avoid costly, unexpected down time. 

Many asset managers in education recognize the benefits of preventive maintenance, and are turning to preventive maintenance software (CMMS) for asset management and renewal. HES’s experience will maximize this critical tool and streamline processes.

Benefits to your facilities:

  • Increased equipment efficiency
  • Prolonged life of campus equipment
  • Decreased equipment downtime
  • Decreased corrective work orders

corrective maintenance

Ask us about our expertise with:


Including tasks whose cycle exceeds one year, such as painting, flood coating of roofs, overlays and seal coating of roads and parking lots, multi-year conformance tests required by outside agencies, and more.


Unscheduled work that requires immediate action to restore services, to remove problems that could interrupt activities, or to protect life and property. 


Responsive and non-emergency corrective work within the current budget cycle or annual program. Activities may range from basic, unplanned maintenance to correct nuisances, to non-emergency tasks involving a moderate to major repair or correction and requiring skilled labor.

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